Seda Ayala Center Cebu Takes Another Step Towards Sustainability with GUUN Co. Ltd.

Seda Ayala Center Cebu steps up its sustainability efforts by converting its solid waste into environmentally-friendly fluff fuel.

Fluff fuel is one of the highest grades of RDF (Refuse Derived Fuels) which are produced through shredding, compressing, and packaging of plastics, papers, and fibers. It serves as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels such as coal.

In Cebu, Seda Ayala Center Cebu is the first hotel to partner with GUUN Co. Ltd., a Japanese company that converts plastic and solid waste into fluff fuel. GUUN Co. Ltd. is a member of UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), a specialized agency of the United Nations that assists countries in economic and industrial development.

The hotel made the deal official last February 10, 2023 through a contract signing represented by its General Manager Gwen Dela Cruz and Front Office Manager Michelle Fuentes. Also in attendance were GUUN Co. Ltd.’s Senior Managing Director Takeshi Konishi, Deputy General Manager Hiroshi Haraki, and Admin and Sales and Marketing Officer Prettie Acop-Jalang.

“Seda Ayala Center Cebu is focused on eco-efficient practices in support of a clean and green environment,” says Dela Cruz. “Our partnership with GUUN enables us to realize our aim to improve our methods in uplifting and sustaining the environment.”

Through this partnership, the hotel can dispose of solid waste properly and convert it into other useful products, as well as help in the reduction of landfill waste.

Seal The Deal. From left to right: Mr. Hiroshi Haraki, Deputy General Manager of GUUN Co. Ltd.; Mr. Takeshi Konishi, Senior Managing Director of GUUN Co. Ltd.; Ms. Gwen Dela Cruz, General Manager of Seda Ayala Center Cebu; Ms. Michelle Fuentes, Front Office Manager of Seda Ayala Center Cebu; and Ms. Prettie Acop-Jalang, Admin/PCO/Sales and Mktg Officer of GUUN Co. Ltd.